The first car that came in Bulgaria is De Dion Bouton. It arrived in 1896 at Sofia central railway station and belonged to a chech man named Avgust Shedefi. In 1902 another De Dion Bouton came in Bulgaria. It was for the Swedish ambassador in our country. This car was the beginning of the professional automobilism in Bulgaria, because the driver was Bulgaria.
In 1911 started the first round trip of Bulgaria that lasted 22 days.
The first car race "Eagle bridge-Goryblian inns" took place in 1914.
In 1911 was founded the association "Shpeger & Luzkov". It is the first Ford and Opel dealership in Bulgaria.
In 1924 "Stoyan Nikolaev & Сие" becomes the importer of Citroen.
In1922 "Savicki and Dorst" becomes the official importer of Fiat automobiles in Bulgaria.
In 1927, only 3 years after Chrysler Corporation was founded in the USA, Pehlivanov and Sheytanov became the official importers of the brand. Durring the same year "Vulkan" became the Dodge dealer for Bulgaria. in 1933 г. the ex importer of Fiat Iosiv Savitski became Chrysler Dodge and Plymouth dealer.
The first gathering of vintage automobiles in Bulgaria took place in 1966 and 1974 in Sofia and in 1967 in Plovdiv. Then for a first and last time the Bulgarian automobile history enthusiasts saw alive unique cars like: Mercedes 1909 г., Ford 1905 г., Austin 1924 г., Singer 1939 г., BMW 315 (1935 г.), Horch 835A (1937 г.), Aero 30 (1939 г.) и др. Now no one of them is in our country.
The first club for antique cars enthusiasts in Bulgaria is БАК "Ретро". It was founded in 1989 with its own rules and obligations that were signed by 52 founders. Today the club has about 200 members and is the biggest in the country.
Later some others clubs were founded with regional and national importance. Todat the total of the organizations that are interested in classic cars is about 20.
Many regional and national events take place every year. More than 200 cars take part. Since 1998 part of the events has international participants. Sadly most of the antique cars in Bulgaria do not take place in the events and the meetings because of their poor condition.
The antique car market is not developed yet - mainly because of the low living standards. The offers are more than the buyers and this is shrinking the market.
The main goals of this site are:
- To inform the people outside Bulgaria for the Classic cars in Bulgaria.
- To find classic cars and parts. Literature, organizations, clubs and people connected with some particular brands by certain crietrias.
- To announce events, cars, books, movies, TV shows and etc.


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